
Posts Tagged ‘Salish Crossing’

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Hardy Plant Society Study Weekend

presented by the Northwest Perennial Alliance

Unlike the first night at the hotel, I had only gotten about four hours of sleep.  We had to rise at the shocking hour of 7 AM for the morning lectures.  (The lecture notes will appear all together, later.)  Today, Alison of the Bonney Lassie blog drove again in her car with its superior satnav system.  Unlike yesterday’s cool grey weather (great for photos), today was hot and bright.

The garden I was most excited to see was our first stop.

Cascadia Art Museum/Salish Crossing

I am such a fan of Withey and Price, having heard wonderful lectures by them in the past, going way back to when they had a garden at the home of one of their mothers.  And, of course, public gardening is my life so this garden would be of special interest.

Just feast your eyes on all this.

Alison happy to see and smell a floriferous garden

embothrium, which I recently acquired thanks to Steve and John of the bayside garden

I can get a free start of Tiger Eyes sumac at KBC and will put it somewhere in Long Beach!

cars included for scale

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

like a lace curtain over the roses

I was in heaven.

Allan’s photo

I later learned that this is Alstroemeria ‘Rock and Roll’.

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

The garden goes around a corner to a restaurant courtyard where the wall is this high. (Allan’s photo)

Allan saw a gardener working on the plants and talked to him for a bit, not realizing he was either Withey or Price.  I was intrigued and found where he was working, with a couple of people talking to him, but I got an attack of the shys and walked away.

Withey…or Price (Allan’s photo)

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

Little did Allan know he was chatting with one of my idols.

I followed Alison across the parking lot to what must be the Salish Crossing gardens.


I felt inferior but inspired.

You can view Alison’s exquisite photos of flowers in the Hampton garden and this garden right here.

This, and a garden that we will see tomorrow, were my two favourites of the tour.

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