
Posts Tagged ‘Heroncam pond’

Friday, 13 February 2015

On the way out of Ilwaco, Allan took two photos of our planter at the post office:

Last fall we re-did this planter, taking out a big old woody lavender.

Last fall we re-did this planter, taking out a big old woody lavender.

Long Beach

I left Allan in charge of the so enjoyable job of chopping down the roses (Rugosa rose, ‘Blanc Double de Coubert’) at the police station.

south wall police station

south wall police station

While he chopped away, I walked a long block north to another project and checked a block’s worth of planters on the way.

narcissi, backed with Stormin' Norman's kite shop

narcissi, backed with Stormin’ Norman’s kite shop

The previous owner of Stormin’ Norman’s was known by that nickname long before a certain military leader rose to fame.

Cerinthe showing blue-purple colour already.

Cerinthe showing blue-purple colour already.

Diascia came through the winter and is already sizing up.

Diascia came through the winter and is already sizing up.

weeded under a street tree and admired the crocuses

weeded under a street tree and admired the crocuses

My main project was to clip and weed around the pond on the NE corner of Bolstadt and Pacific.


before, looking north

This is the pond that you can view on the heroncam.  Which means I was slightly aware of being on camera as I worked along the street side of the water.



Geoff, one of the Pacific Realty staff members, came to see me while I weeded.

Mr. Geoff himself

Mr. Geoff himself

snapdragons blooming in February in Pacific Realty's big south-facing windowbox

snapdragons blooming in February in Pacific Realty’s big south-facing windowbox

I filled the wheelbarrow and two buckets and started piling weeds, waiting for Allan to come with the trailer, which he did, after he had finished the police station job:

after, rugosa roses cut to the ground so they will (mostly) not hang over the sidewalk this year

police station, after, rugosa roses cut to the ground so they will (mostly) not hang over the sidewalk this year

police station garden, all tidied up (with some old, tatty blue oat grass removed as well)

police station garden, all tidied up (with some old, tatty blue oat grass removed as well)

Allan brought the lunch box and more buckets.  I dived right in to the lunch box and took three ibuprofen, as the climbing up and down on rocks to clip sword ferns was causing me considerable leg pain.  Allan joined me to do the most agile part of the pond job: going out to the waterfall area to clip sword ferns.

It would make a big splash for camera viewers if he fell in.

It would make a big splash for camera viewers if he fell in.

While he was balancing out there, our friend Charlene walked up and gave us a bag with treats!

Thanks, Charlene: instant energy!

Thanks, Charlene: instant energy! And they remind me pleasantly of Tom Baker, the fourth Doctor.


I popped into NIVA green for a few minutes, two doors up the block, to get some photos for their Facebook page.

treasures inside NIVA green

treasures inside NIVA green

Then back to sweeping and taking after photos.



I had stripped a mat of beach strawberries off the front edge to expose the original rockwork.

I had stripped a mat of beach strawberries off the front edge to expose the original rockwork, which had been covered to the edge of the sidewalk..

The pond is a thing of beauty…except for where its underwear shows.

a strip of liner shows going to the water fall

a strip of liner shows going to the water fall

and along the back edge

and along the back edge

If it were mine, I’d be trying to cover all the places where the liner shows.

Most people just enjoy it without kibitzing.

Most people just enjoy it without kvetching about the liner.

Allan had had to park a block north, so we tidied up the planters on the way.

Iris chrysographes in the planter by NIVA green

Iris chrysographes in the planter by NIVA green

I got Heather to leave her shop to admire the iris.  She had invited us to join her and two friends for dinner, and we had accepted.

green Iris, NIVA green (New, Inspired, Vintage, Artful)

green Iris, NIVA green (New, Inspired, Vintage, Artful)

our planter by the Long Beach Elks

our planter by the Long Beach Elks

by the Elks Lodge

by the Elks Lodge

Heuchera, Daphne, Narcissi

Heuchera, Daphne, Narcissi

We had a full load of debris to dump at the city works yard, where we saw two killdeer.  Friend Sheila told me they will lay eggs right in the gravel, which is rather worrisome as this is a heavily trafficked lot.



With the debris dumped, we still were not done.   A series of clamming days would start on Sunday, so we drove out to the Bolstadt approach to tidy the planters (me) and to cut down ornamental grasses in the long narrow garden (Allan).

looking west from the last planter, showing the end of the Long Beach boardwalk

looking west from the last planter, showing the end of the Long Beach boardwalk (and Goldie, my indispensable $1.29 garden tool)

looking east from the last beach approach planter

looking east from the last beach approach planter

In the planters, I trimmed back the santolinas...

In the planters, I trimmed back the santolinas…

like this

like this

a larger santolina, before

a larger santolina, before

and after

and after

crocus and lavender

crocus and lavender

Looking east from the end of the beach approach, I felt deeply disheartened at the thought of having to weed it sometime this spring, a job that takes us 7-8 days.

a horrible prospect

blocks and blocks of this: a horrible prospect

the stuff of nightmares

the stuff of nightmares

Here's a santolina that got all woody from not being clipped back last year.

Here’s a santolina that got all woody from not being clipped back last year.

seasonal standing water on the beach approach lawn

seasonal standing water on the beach approach lawn

We’ll wait till the garden soil is not so wet and heavy before tackling the long and painful weeding job.  Last year, we did not get to it till shockingly late in the spring season.

I recorded the day on Map My Walk:

The spur to the north was actually driving to dump at city works...so the walking was more like four miles.

The spur to the north was actually driving to dump at city works…so the walking was more like four miles.  You can see the circling round and round the pond.

satellite view

satellite view

At the end of the afternoon, we swung by Coulter Park to have a browse of the NW Artist’s Guild show.

in the old train depot building

in the old train depot building

Allan (right) picking out some cards to buy (by local artist Jean Nitzel).

Allan (right) picking out some cards to buy (by local artist Jean Nitzel).

We had happened to arrive at the opening reception...

We had happened to arrive at the opening reception…

with punch and cookies on offer.

with punch and cookies on offer.

Outside in Coulter Park, the Pieris are coming into bloom.

Outside in Coulter Park, the Pieris are coming into bloom.

Lightship Restaurant

We had but an hour’s turnaround time at home before dinner, during which I managed to compose one of the quickest blog posts ever.  We then joined NIVA green’s Heather, with her entertaining and funny Seattle friends David and Allison, at the Lightship in north Long Beach.

in the Lightship Restaurant

in the Lightship Restaurant

Allison dips the onion rings.

Allison dips the onion rings.

We lingered, talking, until only the Columbia Bar (at the other end of the building) still had customers.

Next: we wake up some north end gardens.









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