
Posts Tagged ‘Old Goat Farm’

Monday, 25 June 2018

Hardy Plant Society Study Weekend

presented by the Northwest Perennial Alliance

Monday’s four tour gardens were in the Puyallup area, starting at 9 A.M.  We did not leave the Anderson School till noon because of the wonderful long walk and talk with Riz Reyes, which I would not have missed for any other garden, and for some reason we went north instead of south for a little while and our GPS failed us for about half an hour.  By the time we got to Puyallup on a highway rather than a freeway, it was 2:30 and we decided we to go straight to Old Goat Farm, which closed at 4:00 (as did the four tour gardens).

It was the right choice.  We did not get out of the Old Goat gate until 4 PM, and we did not get into our own driveway until 8:30 PM.

Fortunately, our friend The Outlaw Gardener is a prolific tour-goer and he will take us to vicariously enjoy the gardens that we missed today:

Julie and Ernie’s garden in autumn

Camille and Dirk’s garden and their garden the previous year with photos by the Camille herself.

The third garden, Mick’s, was described as having “many steps on a steep slope.”  I was glad to find that Outlaw had toured it, here.

Our Outlaw friend visited the fourth garden, Scott and Patricia’s, and describes it here.

I am inspired by the way that Peter (Outlaw) incorporated the tour descriptions to go with photos of each garden feature.  I will go to the effort of doing that on future garden tours (if I remember).  Thank you, Peter, for giving us such a good look at the gardens we missed.

And now we will achieve a longtime desire of actually visiting…

Old Goat Farm

Allan’s photo


Allan’s photo


Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo, admiring a fern

Allan’s photo



Allan’s photo

so much fun with boxwoods!

I remember now that my parents’ property in Yelm, fairly near to this farm, was full of round rocks.

I went home inspired to re-do my tired old fern table.

Allan’s photo

cardiocrinum giganteum, which I have tried to grow but…snails

approaching civilization

on the other side of a fence

Phlomis (Allan’s photo)


behind the nursery building

making my way around

making my way around the building

Clematis Florida Sieboldii


behind the house

I wanted to pet the dog but it walked away slowly.

the house from the nursery area

the nursery

Allan’s photo

inside the sales building

I turned my attention to plant shopping and stopped taking photos till we were on our way out.

in the nursery shop (Allan’s photo)

Allan explored further and saw areas that I had missed.

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

and critters that I had looked for and missed. (Allan’s photo)

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

Allan’s photo

One of the kind owners wheeled a wagon full of plants across the lawn for us.

I was lagging behind and got to give a belly rub.

Goodbye to the wonderful Old Goat Farm.

As we left, it was closing time and another vehicle was arriving.  I think it was June and Jimi Blake, the Irish speakers from the study weekend (but I might be wrong).

If you want to see some Puyallup gardens for yourself, a tour is coming up:

Tomorrow we will return to once a day posts with a final Hardy Plant post of lecture notes and some thoughts about garden tour etiquette and some photos of my favourite garden of all (ours, upon arriving home).

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