
Posts Tagged ‘Debra Prinzing’

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Hardy Plant Society Study Weekend

Fifty Shades of Green evening party at Wells Medina Nursery


I said to Sheila, “How will we be able to shop for plants if we are all taking a bus?” She said the bus would probably be a large one with a cargo hold underneath. Instead, we went on several orange school buses so could only bring back the number of plants we could hold on our laps.

That was fine, as otherwise I would have been so absorbed in plant shopping that I might have missed observing the party.

It was tough when I saw the selection of Eryngiums.  Fortunately they had only one that I didn't have:  'White Glitter'.

It was tough when I saw the selection of Eryngiums. Fortunately they had only one that I didn’t have: ‘White Glitter’.

I did not have room to get this amaranth for Alison, who had been unable to get a ticket to the sold out party.

I did not have room to get this amaranth for Alison of the BonneyLassie blog, who had been unable to get a ticket to the sold out party. (Yellow schoolbus in background limited shopping room!)

delphiniums and party tables

delphiniums and party tables

photo 2

an ensemble with green garden gloves

an ensemble with green garden gloves

one of the party organizers

one of the party organizers (I think)

another of the party organizers

another of the party organizers (for sure)

photo 1

photo 5


in the fluffy head-dress:  Nancy Goldman of Nancyland in Portland, one of two people I recognized.

in the fluffy head-dress: Nancy Goldman of Nancyland in Portland, one of two people I recognized. (The other was Lucy Hardiman.)

photo 1

photo 2

photo 5

a tiny hat

a tiny hat; Garden Tour Nancy says this style of hat is called a “fascinator’





the nursery looking lovely in evening light

the nursery looking lovely in evening light



costume contest: my favourite

costume contest: my favourite

costume contest

costume contest



then...rapt attention for the speaker of the evening

then…rapt attention for the speaker of the evening

author Debra Prinzing ("Slow Flowers" and "The 50 Mile Bouquet" gave a flower arranging demo

author Debra Prinzing (“Slow Flowers” and “The 50 Mile Bouquet” gave a flower arranging demo

Meanwhile, my purchases sat by our table. (Sheila graciously carried one of them on the bus for me.)

an Astrantia, a Fuchsia, an Eryngium

an Astrantia, a Fuchsia, an Eryngium

I gave the sales desk staff a copy of our garden tour poster.

I gave the sales desk staff a copy of our garden tour poster.

Allan’s photos of the event:

mixing infused sparkling drinks (champagne with lavender)

mixing infused sparkling drinks (champagne with lavender)

two of his favourite costumes posing for a photo

two of his favourite costumes posing for a photo

"No $50 chain fern today"

“No $50 chain fern today”

"cute seed pod on a stem"

“cute seed pod on a stem”









me and my plants

me and my plants


Both Allan and I loved this lily head-dress.  I felt that I somehow knew the woman wearing it.

Both Allan and I loved this lily head-dress. I felt that I somehow knew the woman wearing it.

the costume contest

the costume contest

the three gentlemen in the costume contest

the three gentlemen in the costume contest

The woman with the necklace of sunglasses won, because she literally had "fifty shades of green".

The woman with the necklace of sunglasses won, because she literally had “fifty shades of green”.

Debra Prinzing's flower arrangement

Debra Prinzing’s flower arrangement

"Music in the Gardens" tour poster in the window

“Music in the Gardens” tour poster in the window

Next: Sunday morning lectures, followed by two more days of touring!

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