
Posts Tagged ‘Rose ‘Gloire de Dijon’’

Saturday, 21 May 2016

I had the day to myself because Allan had gone boating.  The unusual state of complete solitude inspired me to skip the Saturday market.

 As usual, it tok me ages to get started on a day off.  J9 stopped by unexpectedly just before I got outside, and we had a good natter for half an hour and then I began to plant my own painted sage.

What I most wanted was to be done with annuals planting time.  Otherwise, I would have rejoiced in the rain that stopped me halfway through the planting, and would have settled in with volume 4 of the Cazalet Chronicle.  I felt sorry for the vendors down at the Saturday Market; the rain was torrential.  I might have kept planting in the privacy of the back yard, but in the more public front yard I did not feel like exhibiting drowned rattiness.

rain from the east window

rain from the east window

from the porch

from the porch



topping up the rain barrels

topping up the rain barrels

As soon as it slowed, I was back out finishing the planting.

Frosty preferred to stay in.

Frosty preferred to stay in.

I reassembled my mom’s sedum table display next to the water boxes.  It has gone from her own garden to Golden Sands, lived there under a courtyard tree for six years, and has now come home.

mom's little wooden table, still sturdy.

mom’s little wooden table, still sturdy.  Edged with brick, piled with soil, planted with succulents that were brought home in a bucket.

potatoes growing on the debris pile

potatoes growing on the debris pile

Paul's Himalayan Musk rose overhead

Paul’s Himalayan Musk rose overhead

Rose 'Gloire de Dijon'; if I were retired, I'd pick off every blackspotty leaf.

Rose ‘Gloire de Dijon’; if I were retired, I’d pick off every blackspotty leaf.

Egyptian Walking Onion outside the deer fence.

Egyptian Walking Onion outside the deer fence.

strawberries outside the deer fence; before I put this mesh up, Devery caught the deer browsing them.

strawberries outside the deer fence; before I put this mesh up, Devery caught the deer browsing them.

almost ready!

almost ready!

a rose across the driveway at Nora's old house (now her granddaughter Alicia's)

a rose across the driveway at Nora’s old house (now her granddaughter Alicia’s)

Calvin was the one who followed me around outside today.

Calvin was the one who followed me around outside today.

looking south east from the gate

looking south east from the back gate

the one rose that came with the house...a prolific once-bloomer

the one rose that came with the house…a prolific once-bloomer

(weedy) patio with no plants to plant!

(weedy) patio with no plants to plant!

Onyx from next door came to visit.

Onyx from next door came to visit.

Onyx and Frosty

Onyx and Frosty

front path with painted sage planted along the edge

front path looking west with painted sage planted along the edge

Chickadees have made a next in the circuit board bird house.

Chickadees have made a next in the circuit board bird house.

purchased once upon a time at Saturday market

purchased once upon a time at Saturday market

If I had the patience of Mr Tootlepedal, I would get a photo of the chickadees going in and out.

I was chided from a nearby perch.

I was chided from a nearby perch.

front path looking east

front path looking east, not raked up yet

Clematis durandii on new arbour (where wire mesh will be inserted for it to climb on).

Clematis durandii on new arbour (where wire mesh will be inserted for it to climb on).

more small painted sage plants along more edges. I had to pull some red poppies to make room, felt it was a shame but did it anyway.

more small painted sage plants along more edges. I had to pull some red poppies to make room, felt it was a shame but did it anyway.

I used up all my six packs of sage with not a one left to squeeze into the boatyard garden.  At last, with all the plants in the ground, I had time to begin the sort of tasks that I like best in the garden.

clipping hellebore: before...

clipping hellebore: before…

and after. I had been looking forward to that.

and after. I had been looking forward to that.

With all the plants planted, I can now turn my attention at work to projects, the sort of work I much prefer to planting.



Now, if I just stop buying plants, I won’t have any more planting to do till next year, will I?

Allan got home just after dark.  Tomorrow’s post will be about his adventures in Portland.

Ginger’s Garden Diaries


from my mother’s garden diaries of two decades ago

1997 (age 73):

May 21:  10:30-5:00  Don and I worked about 3 hours in the garage going through the NW corner sorting stuff for garage sale.  When he left, I worked in front weeding out the sweet woodruff, etc.  I think I have about 4 or 5 wheelbarrows to add to the compost pile.

1998 (age 74):

May 21:  I brought out all the baskets that are growing good.  I managed to hang several of the baskets with rigid hangers.  I worked again potting tomatoes.

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Sunday, 31 May 2015

While I weeded more of the back garden, Allan mowed our lawn and then Nora’s lawn next door.  One of these days I will start calling the house Alicia’s house (Nora’s granddaughter who inherited it).

Allan's photo: Nora/Alicia's front lawn, digging up dandelions galore

Allan’s photo: Nora/Alicia’s front lawn, digging up dandelions galore

Allan's photo:  Look at all those dandelions!

Allan’s photo: Look at all those dandelions!

Allan's photo:  He went over and over the dug up dandelions with the lawnmower and they turned to mulch.

Allan’s photo: He went over and over the dug up dandelions then mowed with the lawnmower and they turned to mulch.

Allan's photo: good results, I'd say

Allan’s photo: good results, I’d say

I love the look of the path he mowed through Nora/Alicia's back lawn, as much as I love watching the rest of the lawn go beautifully wild.

I love the look of the path he mowed through Nora/Alicia’s back lawn, as much as I love watching the rest of the lawn go beautifully wild.

After me weeding and Allan mowing at home from mid morning till mid afternoon, we became hungry and drove to Seaview to try out the new taco truck by North Jetty Brewing.  The excellent Chef Jason Lancaster from the Cove Restaurant now cooks there on Sundays.


Today he offered tacos Korean and Hawaiian.

Today he offered tacos Korean and Hawaiian.

The bahn mi Korean taco.

The bahn mi Korean taco….so delicious.

Chef Jason and Hawaiian tacos.

Chef Jason and Hawaiian tacos.

Even though I had gone through my usual “I don’t want to leave my property” on a day off, the scrumptious tacos revitalized us and gave us energy to get through the rest of the day with much accomplished.

When we got back home, our friends Shelly and Terran of Flowering Hedge Design arrived to do a gardening job at Mary’s, two doors down.

Shelly and Terran about to start work.

Shelly and Terran about to start work.

Allan's photo:  Terran and I imagine Mary's front lawn turned into a beautiful garden ;-)

Allan’s photo: Terran and I imagine Mary’s front lawn turned into a beautiful garden 😉

Just the one square patch of lawn...We can dream!

Just the one square patch of lawn…We can dream!

Allan left for work after that, as I continued to weed at home.

me weeding as Allan departs

me weeding as Allan departs

I so appreciate him going to work so I can keep at my own garden project.

I so appreciate him going to work so I can keep at my own garden project.

Allan’s job was to weed at the Ilwaco community building.  Here are his befores and afters:

This is an after...of one of the beds of salal.

This is an after…of one of the beds of salal.  It is fine with me (Skyler) if it is thoroughly contained like this so it can’t run through other plants..

before:  along the front sidewalk

before: along the front sidewalk




before…salal…trying to invade into the rhododendrons, of course



the area I (Skyler) like best, with ferns

the area I (Skyler) like best, with ferns


You can see by the hose that Allan was trying to get parts of the garden watered.

The soaker hose method is not satisfactory.

The soaker hose method is not satisfactory.

filling in some gaps with starts of Sedum 'Autumn Joy' (which we have in abundance, for free)

filling in some gaps with starts of Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ (which we have in abundance, for free)

I continued to weed at home in the seemingly vast east and west beds; it was too windy to work back by the bogsy woods, so the bed that had been my true goal for the weekend had to wait.  It is under a big old alder with a dead branch way up high.

can't finish this area when windy

can’t finish this area when windy

An evening walk stream of consciousness:

Rose 'Radway Sunrise' from Cistus Nursery

Rose ‘Radway Sunrise’ from Cistus Nursery is very good.


a sanguisorba…love them, so Piet Oudolfy

a daylily which is on very thin ice, especially with the shovel close by

a daylily which is on very thin ice, especially with the shovel close by

After my weeding all around it, my Echinops (blue globe thistle) has decided to be floppy.

After my weeding all around it, my Echinops (blue globe thistle) has decided to be floppy.

Japanese iris splendid in bud

Japanese iris splendid in bud

Why do I have so very many Oriental poppies, which will leave such holes when they are done?  They have to go....except for just perhaps two of them.  They are all the same colour...

Why do I have so very many Oriental poppies, which will leave such holes when they are done? They have to go….except for just perhaps two of them. They are all the same colour…

the flowers of Sambucus laciniata (cutleaf elderberry) from Joy Creek nursery

the excellently flat-topped flowers of Sambucus laciniata (cutleaf elderberry) from Joy Creek nursery

all nicely mowed

all nicely mowed and edged by Allan


I must get the running raspberry OUT of here.

I must get the running raspberry OUT of here.

WHY did I buy 'Olympic Double' salmonberry when it mostly looks just like any old salmonberry except for a brief double bloom?  Free to a good home!

WHY did I buy ‘Olympic Double’ salmonberry when it mostly looks just like any old salmonberry except for a brief double bloom? Free to a good home!

Maybe not.  I Googled it and it is pretty darn charming in bloom.  I know just where to put it after all.  I was lured into it having once seen it and bought it from the Heronswood catalog, year ago.  When I moved to this new garden, I could not tell it apart from plain old salmonberry so left it behind.

WHy did I buy this cypress?

WHy did I buy this cypress?

I know why...I wanted my garden to be more like Steve and John's...but I don't have acreage so where am I going to put this?

I know why…I wanted my garden to be more like Steve and John’s…but I don’t have acreage so where am I going to put this?  I think I might have to have it put at Steve and John’s if I don’t figure out a place for it here.

Rose 'Gloire de Dijon'

Rose ‘Gloire de Dijon’

Gloire de Dijon, so blackspotty, so luscious

Gloire de Dijon, so blackspotty, so luscious

Piles of Sedum 'Autumn Joy', free to good home

Piles of Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’, free to good home

After a rather self satisfied walk around all the weeding I got done in the back yard, I noticed a droopy plant in the front yard and as I watered I saw….oodles of dwarf fireweed sneering at me.

dang blang it!

dang blang it! weedy again!

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